Government Proposal Writing Services
Bid Writing – Federal Proposal Consultants
RFP · RFQ · SF 1449 · MATOC · IDIQ · GSA
Government Proposal Writing Services. Bid Writing Consultants. Federal Government Proposal Consultants. Professional RFP Writers.
Professional Government Proposal Writing Services. We are a bid writing company. Get needed access to experienced Government Contract proposal & bid writers for following types of Federal Government acquisition vehicles: RFP, RFQ, IDIQ, MATOC, GSA Schedule. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) compliant tenders. Learn how to WIN Government contracts. All States – Nationwide proposal Government proposal consultants.
We also have expertise with OVERSEAS and MIDDLE EAST U.S. Government contract and STATE and LOCAL Government proposals. Discover how professional government proposal preparation specialists can navigate complex regulations and protect your business interests effectively.
Jeffrey Giancola, the Principal, is a cum laude graduate of Columbia University and received his law degree from the University of Virginia. He is a member of the State of Maryland Bar and has 30 years of experience in the Government procurement field. This firm is attorney-managed. Small Business Government contracting specialists.
This firm has senior acquisition consultants that perform this work under the supervision of Mr. Giancola. The hourly rate for these consultants is very reasonable and is much lower than standard attorney rates.
We use a CUSTOMER-DRIVEN and BENEFITS-FOCUSED approach to Government Proposal Writing, while presenting a VALUE PROPOSITION to the Government customer.
We Offer 4 Types of Federal Government Proposal Writer Services:
1. Government Bid & RFP Proposal Writer Services for the following types of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Vehicles: Request for Proposal (RFP Response) – RFQ – BPA – Multiple Award IDIQ Task Order Competitions (MATOC) – SF1449 Commercial items and services – GSA Schedule Contract (including eBuy) – FBO – GWACs – Sealed Bidding (IFB) (Bid Writing);
2. Proposal/Quotation Response Mapping – RFP Compliance Matrix; Data Calls – Concise Writing/Editing – Compliant Format/Content (Technical, Business/Price, and Past Performance Volumes) – Reps & Certs – Amendments – Copy & Content Editing; Red Team Review of Draft and Final Proposal Versions;
Government Proposal Management Services:
3. Staff Augmentation: We Coordinate & Manage the Overall Proposal Preparation Process (Strategy) & the Proposal Development Team (including Staff Augmentation and help identifying Key Personnel for staffing required contract labor categories); and
4. Get on GSA Schedule Consultants: Help to Get on and Manage GSA Schedule Contracts – Submit Compliant Application Package – Negotiation – GSA Catalog – Modifications – SIN adds – eBuy – RFQ/RFP Task & Delivery Order Competes.
Sample Government Proposal Narrative – This is an Example of What a Professional Government Proposal Writer Can Do:
“Dr. Smith has 25 years of practice in the field of dermatology and has treated literally thousands of patients.”
Above is very weak. It is typical of a low- to middle-end proposal.
This is much better:
“The clinic’s patient cohort includes a significant number of patients with the following conditions/diseases: X, Y, and Z. Dr. Smith is board-certified in X & Y and is the current Chairperson of the American Association of Dermatology Panel on X & Y. While board-certification is not currently available for Z, Dr. Smith has treated approximately 75 patients in the past five years for this (and its related) conditions. She has also conducted diagnosis and treatment option training sessions on these conditions for medical personnel. Dr. Smith’s knowledge, background, and experience in these areas will materially enhance the clinic’s ability to offer treatment options to this patient cohort, as well as provide the clinic with a cost-effective, in-house resource for training other clinic staff on same.”
The BOTTOM LINE: If you want to win new business, you must present the prospective government or corporate customer with a benefits-driven, value-oriented business case. We know how to configure the format, content, and language in the proposal to help achieve that goal.
One thing NOT to do: Don’t go it alone!
Proposal Writing Services STATE and LOCAL Government Proposals:
This firm may be able to assist you regarding the preparation and submission of state and local government proposals. CONTACT us here now: STATE AND LOCAL PROPOSAL WRITING.
Helpful Government Proposal Writing Services Links:
* Jeff’s 15+ Tips on How to Write a Winning Federal Government Contract Proposal
* Do You Need an Overseas or Middle East Proposal Writing Expert?
What to Do if You Need an Overseas or Middle East Government Proposal Expert
* How Can I get a FREE Guide to the Best Government Bid Websites?
*SBA Guide on How to Prepare Government Contract Proposals
Are you an experienced Government Proposal Writer? Is so, we do hire RFP proposal writers. Please click on link below for more information: